Video Tutorials
Simplifying Fractions Video Tutorial

In this Simplifying Fractions Video Tutorial, Martin shows you how to express fractions in their simplest form. There are questions for you to have a go at throughout the video. Can you express eighteen-thirtieths in its simplest form?
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Prime Numbers Video Tutorial

In this Prime Numbers Video Tutorial, Martin tells you what a prime number is and how to work out if a number is prime. He also shows you how to break a number down into prime factors by using a factor tree. How many prime factors does the number 72 have?
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Common Factors Video Tutorial

Watch Martin demonstrate how to find common factors on this Common Factors Video Tutorial. Can you find the common factors of 21 and 35?
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Multiply 4 Digits by 2 Digits Video Tutorial

Martin shows you how to multiply 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers in this Multiply 4 Digits by 2 Digits Video Tutorial by building on your knowledge of multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit. What is the most important thing to remember when multiplying by a 2-digit number?
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Subtracting Fractions Video Tutorial

Watch Martin on this Subtracting Fractions Video Tutorial. Can you subtract 3 and a half from 7 and five sixths?
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Adding Fractions Video Tutorial

Martin demonstrates how to add mixed numbers in this Adding Fractions Video Tutorial. He shows you two different methods of adding mixed numbers. Which way do you find the easiest to do?
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Add and Subtract Integers Video Tutorial

Martin shows you how to add and subtract numbers using the column method in this Add and Subtract Integers Video Tutorial. He also demonstrates how to use a more efficient method. Can you add and subtract numbers with more than 5 digits using what you have learned in this video?