Year 1 Counting Back Maths Challenge

Play this Year 1 Counting Back Maths Challenge and put your knowledge of counting back to subtract to the ultimate test! Use the clues to identify what calculation Kwame is completing. How long will it take you to complete the challenge?
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Year 1 Counting Back Game

Play this Year 1 Counting Back Game to practise your knowledge of counting back to subtract. There are three questions for you to answer. How many will you complete correctly?
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Year 1 Fact Families – 8 Facts Maths Challenge

Play this Year 1 Fact Families – 8 Facts Maths Challenge and put your knowledge of using 3 numbers to create a fact family to the ultimate test! Check each child's fact family to find out who has made a mistake. How long will it take you to complete the challenge?
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Year 1 Fact Families – Creating 8 Facts Game

Play this Year 1 Fact Families – Creating 8 Facts Game to practise your knowledge of using 3 numbers to write 4 additions and 4 subtractions to create a fact family. There are three questions for you to answer. How many will you complete correctly?
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Year 1 Subtraction – Partitioning Game

Play this Year 1 Subtraction – Partitioning Game to practise your knowledge of partitioning numbers to subtract. There are three questions for you to answer. How many will you complete correctly?
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Year 1 Finding a Part Maths Challenge

Play this Year 1 Finding a Part Maths Challenge and put your knowledge of adding parts together to find a total to the ultimate test! Drag the football shirts to the correct washing line to make the given total. How long will it take you to complete the challenge?
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Year 1 Subtraction – Breaking Apart Maths Challenge

Play this Year 1 Subtraction - Breaking Apart Maths Challenge and put your knowledge of partitioning numbers to subtract to the ultimate test! Use the digit cards to complete the part-whole models. How long will it take you to complete the challenge?
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Year 1 How Many Left 2 Maths Challenge

Play this Year 1 How Many Left 2 Maths Challenge and put your knowledge of using the subtraction symbol to take away to the ultimate test! Use the digit cards to complete the subtractions. How long will it take you to complete the challenge?
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