Year 5 Reasoning Test Practice 4
Teacher Specific Information
This Year 5 Reasoning Test Practice 4 activity checks pupils’ understanding of solving problems involving numbers up to three decimal places, calculating and comparing the area of rectangles, identifying multiples and factors, using all four operations to solve problems involving measure (money) using decimal notation, and interpreting and presenting discrete and continuous data using appropriate graphical methods.
Pupils will find a number using given clues, find the area of rectangles, find the common factors of two numbers, solve a word problem involving money, and answer questions based on a given table.
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National Curriculum Objectives
Number – multiplication and division
(5C5A) Identify multiples and factors, including finding all factor pairs of a number and common factors of two numbers
Number – Fractions
(5F10) Solve problems involving numbers up to three decimal places
(5M7b) Calculate and compare the area of rectangles (including squares), and including using standard units, square centimetres (cm2) and square metres (m2) and estimate the area of irregular shapes
(5M9a) Use all four operations to solve problems involving measure [for example, money] using decimal notation, including scaling
(4s1) Interpret and present discrete and continuous data using appropriate graphical methods, including bar charts and time graphs