Year 5 Numbers to a Million

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Test your knowledge of place value in numbers up to a million by playing this Year 5 Numbers to a Million activity. How many of the five questions can you answer correctly?

Teacher Specific Information

This Year 5 Numbers to a Million includes five questions designed to check pupils’ understanding of place value within numbers to a million. Pupils will identify the odd representation out, drag and drop the digits to complete the numbers, select the true statements for a number, write the value of the underlined digits, and complete the bar models.

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National Curriculum Objectives

Number – number and place value

(5N2) Read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1 000 000 and determine the value of each digit
(5N3a) Determine the value of each digit in numbers up to 1,000,000
(5N6) Solve number problems and practical problems that involve (5N1) (5N2) (5N4) (5N5)