Year 3 Matching Words to Word Types

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Complete the five tasks to find the different word types in this Christmas Year 3 Matching Words to Word Types activity.

Teacher Specific Information

This Year 3 Matching Words to Word Types interactive activity presents five activities linked to Christmas words including identifying the noun, verb, adjective and adverb, identifying the how adverbs, sorting the prepositions of place and adjectives, using prepositions to complete sentences and changing adjectives into adverbs by adding ‘ly’.

National Curriculum objectives:

Year 2: (2G1.6) Use of –ly in Standard English to turn adjectives into adverbs
Year 2: (2G3.2) Expanded noun phrases to describe and specify [for example, the blue butterfly]
Year 2: (2G6.3) Formation of adjectives using suffixes such as –ful, –less (A fuller list of suffixes can be found in the year 2 spelling section in English Appendix 1)

Terminology for pupils:
(2G1.3) adjective
(2G1.6) adverb
(2G1.2) verb