Year 3 Add and Subtract Multiples of 100 Game

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Practise your addition and subtraction skills in this Add and Subtract Multiples of 100 Game. What happens to numbers when adding and subtracting multiples of 100?

Teacher Specific Information

This Add and Subtract Multiples of 100 Game checks pupils’ understanding of adding and subtracting multiples of 100 up to 1,000. Pupils will drag and drop missing values from a variety of representations, complete two statements using + or –, explore which bar model would be incorrect if 400 was its missing label, explore how 700 can be made using a mixture of Base 10 and place value counters and insert missing labels to three part-whole models.

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National Curriculum Objectives

Addition and Subtraction
Mathematics Year 3: (3C1) Add and subtract numbers mentally, including: a three-digit number and ones; a three-digit number and tens; a three digit number and hundreds