Year 2 SATs Arithmetic Revision Day 5
Teacher Specific Information
This Year 2 Arithmetic activity comprises 10 questions based on the Key Stage 1 arithmetic assessments. Some questions might require the use of a pencil and some paper to carry out written calculations.
National Curriculum Objectives
2N1 Count in 10s from any number
1C2a/2C1 Number bonds to 20
1C4 Missing number problems within 20
2C2a Add and subtract (easy / no exchange) 2-digit and ones, two 2-digits or three 1-digits
2C6 2, 5 and 10 multiplication and division facts
1C2a/2C1 Number bonds to 20
2C2a Add and subtract (easy / no exchange) 2-digit and ones, two 2-digits or three 1-digits
2C3/1C4 Missing number problems for inverse operations
1F1a/2F1b Find 1/2 of an amount
2C1 /1C1 Use related facts of number bonds to 100