Year 2 Measure Mass in Grams Game
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Play this Year 2 Measure Mass in Grams Game to test your knowledge of measurement. Read the scales to find the measurement of different objects. Can you get all five questions correct?
Teacher Specific Information
This Year 2 Measure Mass in Grams Game aims to support pupils’ knowledge of measurement. Children will read the scales to find measurements. The scales include multiples of 5 and 10, and some may have unlabelled increments. There are five questions to solve.
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National Curriculum Objectives
Year 2: (2M1) Compare and order lengths, mass, volume/capacity and record the results using >, < and =
Year 2: (2M2) Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm); mass (kg/g); temperature (°C); capacity (litres/ml) to the nearest appropriate unit, using rulers, scales, thermometers and measuring vessels