Video Tutorials
Sharing Equally Video Tutorial

In this Sharing Equally Video Tutorial, Katie shows you how to share objects into groups equally. Draw your own sharing hoops and see how many different items you can share equally.
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Making Equal Groups Video Tutorial

In this Making Equal Groups Video Tutorial, Katie shows you how to make equal groups using objects and drawings. How many different equal groups can you make?
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Add More than Four Digits Video Tutorial

Learn how to use the formal column method for adding four and five-digit numbers in this Add More than Four Digits Video Tutorial. You will need a pen and paper to answer the questions using the formal column method. Can you remember how to make an exchange if a place value column totals more than 9?
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Counting in 3s Video Tutorial

In this Counting in 3s Video Tutorial, Katie shows you how to count in 3s and use a number line to help you. What other ways can you find to count in 3s?
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Select Money Video Tutorial

In Select Money Video Tutorial, Katie shows you how to select the correct money for a given amount. Put your knowledge to the test and see if there more than one way to create the same amount of money!
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1,000s, 100s, 10s and 1s Video Tutorial

Watch Martin on this 1,000s, 100s, 10s and 1s Video Tutorial. What does it mean to partition a number?
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Add and Subtract Integers Video Tutorial

Martin shows you how to add and subtract numbers using the column method in this Add and Subtract Integers Video Tutorial. He also demonstrates how to use a more efficient method. Can you add and subtract numbers with more than 5 digits using what you have learned in this video?