Sequencing Activities
Year 4 Order Angles Sequencing Game
Play this Year 4 Order Angles Sequencing Game to test your knowledge of angles. Drag to order the angles from smallest to largest. Can you order the angles correctly?
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Year 4 Perimeter of Shapes Sequencing Activity
Ready to calculate perimeters in our Year 4 Perimeter of Shapes Sequencing Activity? Put these shapes in order of perimeter length to win the game!
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Year 5 Convert Units of Time Sequencing Game
In this Year 5 Convert Units of Time Sequencing Game, you need to use your times table and time knowledge to order the durations given on flash cards. Read the durations shown, convert them into the same unit, and then order them from shortest to longest! Can you get them all in the right order? Don't forget to write your conversions down, otherwise you might forget them!
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Year 5 Order Decimals Game
Play this Year 5 Order Decimals Game to test your knowledge of decimals. Identify the decimals represented using place value counters. Compare and order the decimals. Can you order them correctly?
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Year 4 Negative Numbers Sequencing Game
Count forwards from negative into positive numbers in this Year 4 Negative Numbers Sequencing Game. Which is the smallest number here?
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Year 5 Roman Numerals to 1,000 Sequencing Activity
Play this Year 5 Roman Numerals to 1,000 Sequencing Activity and test your knowledge of converting Roman numerals into integers! There are different Roman numerals for you to convert into integers. You will then need to sequence the numbers in ascending order. How fast can you order them all?
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Year 5 Count Forwards in Powers of 10 Game
Play this interactive Year 5 Count Forwards in Powers of 10 Game to practise ordering numbers up to 1,000,000. Drag the numbers so that they are in ascending order and press check to see how well you've done! Can you put them in the right order?
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