Year 5 Decimal Problems Flash Cards Game

Play this Year 5 Decimal Problems Flash Cards Game to test your understanding of decimals. Solve problems involving addition, subtraction and your knowledge of place value. Can you complete each flash card correctly?
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Year 3 Measure Lengths Flash Cards Game

Play this Year 3 Measure Lengths Flash Cards Game to test your understanding of measurement. Measure length in centimetres and millimetres. Can you complete each flash card correctly?
Year 3 Measure Capacity Flash Cards Game

Play this Year 3 Measure Capacity Flash Cards Game to practise your knowledge of measurement! Measure the volume of liquid in different containers. Read scales and write measurements in litres and millilitres. Can you answer each flash card correctly?
Year 3 Compare Volume and Capacity Game 2

Test your volume and capacity skills by playing this Year 3 Compare Volume and Capacity Game 2. Can you get all the ten questions correct?
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Year 2 Using –ly Flash Cards Game

Play this Year 2 Using –ly Flash Cards Game to test your understanding of suffixes. Add the suffix –ly to each word to create adverbs. Can you complete each flash card correctly?
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Year 6 Formal and Informal Structures Flash Card Game

In this Year 6 Formal and Informal Structures Flash Card Game, you need to use your knowledge of formal and informal speech to answer the questions on the flash cards. Type your answer into the box and press check to see how well you have done.
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