Year 4 Analogue to Digital Flashcards

It's time to test your knowledge of analogue and digital! Can you answer all the time-related questions on these Year 4 Analogue to Digital Flashcards?
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Year 4 Using Rounding to Estimate Money Game

It's time to test your knowledge of estimating measures! Can you answer all the money-related questions in this Year 4 Using Rounding to Estimate Money Game?
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Year 1 Sequencing Sentences Flash Cards Game

Play this Year 1 Sequencing Sentences Flash Cards Game to test your writing skills! Read the groups of sentences and decide which set has been ordered correctly. Type A or B, before clicking 'check' to see your result. Can you answer each flash card correctly?
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Year 1 Dates Flash Cards Game

Play this Year 1 Dates Flash Cards Game to test your understanding of time. Use days of the week and months of the year to answer each question. Can you complete each flash card correctly?
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Year 5 Converting Nouns and Adjectives Flash Card Game

In this Year 5 Converting Nouns and Adjectives Flash Card Game, you need to use your knowledge of the suffixes '–ate', '–ise' and '–ify' to convert nouns and adjectives into verbs. Add the correct suffix to the words on the flash card, type your new word into the box provided and then press check to see how well you have done.
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