Year 6 Divide Decimals by Integers Maths Challenge
In this Year 6 Divide Decimals by Integers Maths Challenge, you need to help Zac get out of an escape room using your knowledge of division! Find the correct combination of keys to help Zac escape!
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Year 6 Decimals as Fractions Flash Card Game
In this Year 6 Decimals as Fractions Flash Card Game, you need to convert the image representations of fractions into decimals. Type your answer into the box and press check to find out how well you've done. Can you answer them all correctly?
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Year 6 Multiply Fractions by Fractions Matching Game
Play this Year 6 Multiply Fractions by Fractions Matching Game to practise multiplying fractions by fractions and expressing them in their simplest form. Match the fraction calculations on the left with the fraction answers on the right. Can you get them all correct?
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Year 6 Decimals as Fractions Maths Challenge
In this Year 6 Decimals as Fractions Maths Challenge, you will need to convert between fractions and decimals in order to help Warrior Vala find her way to the different destinations.
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Year 6 Divide Fractions by Integers Maths Challenge
Help Captain Sean in this Year 6 Divide Fractions by Integers Maths Challenge as he tries to save the HMS Stealthy using division with fractions and whole numbers! Complete the division calculations and use the integers to crack the code to save the day!
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Year 6 Multiply Fractions by Fractions Maths Challenge
Play this Year 6 Multiply Fractions by Fractions Maths Challenge to consolidate your ability to multiply fractions by fractions. Help Annie complete the arithmagon! The fractions in squares are the product of the adjoining fractions in circles. Calculate the missing numerators and denominators to complete the arithmagon.
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Angles in Polygons Video Tutorial
In this Angles in Polygons Video Tutorial, Ivan shows you how to calculate angles in a variety of polygons. Use your knowledge of angles in triangles, on a straight line and around a point to answer the questions! Can you get them all correct?
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Angles in a Quadrilateral Video Tutorial
Learn how to calculate missing angles in quadrilaterals with this Angles in Quadrilaterals Video Tutorial. Ivan demonstrates how to calculate angles using knowledge of the interior angles of a quadrilateral, opposite angles and hatch marks. Can you answer the questions correctly?
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Year 6 Compare and Order Fractions Maths Challenge
Play this Year 6 Compare and Order Fractions Maths Challenge to help Deano compare how much pizza is in each of the the boxes and order them from smallest to largest. Use your knowledge of fractions and common denominators to complete this challenge!
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