Video Tutorials
Decimals as Fractions Video Tutorial

Watch Martin as he demonstrates how to convert between decimals and fractions in this Decimals as Fractions Video Tutorial. He shows you how to do this using bar models and place value charts. There are questions for you to answer during the video to test your knowledge!
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Year 5 Counting in Powers of 10 Game

Practise counting in powers of 10 with this fun and interactive Year 5 Counting in Powers of 10 Game. There are five different questions to answer which include counting forwards and backwards and some negative numbers. Can you answer them all correctly?
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Add Fractions Video Tutorial

Jade shows you how to add 2 fractions in this Add Fractions Video Tutorial. Can you answer all the questions correctly?
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Subtract Fractions Video Tutorial

Jade uses a bar model and a number line to help you in this Subtract Fractions Video Tutorial. Can you answer all the questions correctly?
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Problem Solving with Fractions Video Tutorial

Join Jade as she teaches you how to work out some tricky fraction problems. Can you answer all the questions correctly?
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Year 5 Multiply Non-Unit Fractions by an Integer Game

Play this Year 5 Multiply Non-Unit Fractions by an Integer Game and test your knowledge of multiplying non-unit fractions by different numbers. There are five questions to answer, how many will you answer correctly?
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