Year 6 Vocabulary Challenge 8
Take this Year 6 Vocabulary Challenge 8 to expand your vocabulary and learn some exciting new words! There are ten words for you to define and some sentences for you to use your new vocabulary in. If you don't know the meaning of some of the words, put your research skills to good use!
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Year 3 Adding Prefixes Flash Cards
Play the Year 3 Adding Prefixes Flash Cards to improve your knowledge of the prefixes super-, anti- and auto-. Can you answer all the questions correctly?
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Using the Suffixes -ful and -less Video Tutorial
Join Katie in this Using the Suffixes -ful and -less Video Tutorial, as she considers how to form adjectives from root words. Can you answer the questions correctly?
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Year 1 Suffixes Flash Cards Game
Play this Year 1 Suffixes Flash Cards Game to test your knowledge of suffixes. Add the suffixes -ing, -ed, or -er where no change is made to the root word. Select the correct word to complete each sentence. Can you answer each flash card correctly?
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