Video Tutorials
Making Inferences from Fiction Video Tutorial

Join Ivan in this Making Inferences from Fiction Video Tutorial, as he reads an extract from a story based on Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. Can you answer the question based on your understanding of the text?
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Summarising Diary Entries Video Tutorial

Join Ivan in this Summarising Diary Entries Video Tutorial, where he looks at a diary from a young girl who is experiencing life as a deaf person to gain an understanding of how her friend feels every day. Can you answer the summarising question correctly?
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Year 6 Give/Explain the Meaning of Words in Context Video Tutorial

Join Ivan in this Year 6 Give/Explain the Meaning of Words in Context Video Tutorial, where he looks at the information text 'The Circulatory System'. Can you answer the question correctly?
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Understanding Meaning in Persuasive Texts Video Tutorial

Join Jade as she looks at an advert for an interactive baby dragon in this Understanding Meaning in Persuasive Texts. Can you think of any adverts you have found persuasive?
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Making Predictions in Fiction Video Tutorial

Watch Ivan in this Making Predictions in Fiction Video Tutorial, as he guides you through a couple of prediction style questions from fiction extracts. Can you predict what's going to happen next using evidence from the text?
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Making Inference from Newspapers Video Tutorial

Join Ivan in this Making Inference from Newspapers Video Tutorial, where he shares an article about the celebrations following victory in Europe. Can you put your inference skills to good use and answer the questions correctly?
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