Video Tutorials
Multiply Decimals by Integers Video Tutorial

Watch this Multiply Decimals by Integers Video Tutorial to see Martin demonstrate how to multiply decimal numbers by whole numbers. He will take you through these multiplications using a place value chart and the column method. There are questions for you to answer as you watch the video, so listen carefully!
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Fractions of an Amount Video Tutorial

Watch this Fractions of an Amount Video Tutorial to see Martin explain how to find fractions of different amounts. Martin demonstrates this using bar models and times tables. Throughout the video, there are questions for you to answer. Can you answer them all correctly?
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Multiply Fractions by Fractions Video Tutorial

Watch this Multiply Fractions by Fractions Video Tutorial to see Martin explain how to multiply fractions by fractions. Martin demonstrates a method of multiplying fractions using a block diagram, and a method with no visual representations. Throughout the video, there are questions for you to answer. Can you answer them all correctly?
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Multiply Fractions by Integers Video Tutorial

Watch this Multiply Fractions by Integers Video Tutorial to see Martin explain how to multiply fractions by whole numbers. He demonstrates different methods of completing the calculations using a mixture of proper fractions and mixed numbers. Throughout the video, there are questions for you to answer. Can you answer them all correctly?
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Divide Fractions by Integers Video Tutorial 2

In this Divide Fractions by Integers Video Tutorial 2, Martin divides fractions by whole numbers where the numerator is not a multiple of the divisor. He demonstrates how to do this using a bar model to start with, and then moves on to dividing fractions by whole numbers without a bar model. There are questions for you to have a go at throughout the video to help you practice. Can you calculate one-sixth divided by 3?
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Divide Fractions by Integers Video Tutorial 1

In this Divide Fractions by Integers Video Tutorial 1, Martin shows you how to divide fractions by whole numbers. He demonstrates how to do this using a bar model to start with, and then moves on to dividing fractions by whole numbers without a bar model. There are questions for you to have a go at throughout the video to help you practice. Can you calculate fifteen-tenths divided by 3?
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