Year 5 Interpret Negative Numbers in Context Flash Cards Game
Try this Year 5 Interpret Negative Numbers in Context Flash Cards Game and see how much you know about negative numbers! There are eight different problems to solve! How many of them will you answer correctly?
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Year 5 Round Numbers to the Nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000 Flash Cards Game
Play this Year 5 Round Numbers to the Nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000 Flash Cards Game and put your knowledge of rounding numbers up to 1,000,000 to the test! You'll be shown cards with different representations of numbers on them. Each card will ask you to round the number to either the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 or 100,000. How many will you answer correctly?
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Year 5 Roman Numerals to 1,000 Sequencing Activity
Play this Year 5 Roman Numerals to 1,000 Sequencing Activity and test your knowledge of converting Roman numerals into integers! There are different Roman numerals for you to convert into integers. You will then need to sequence the numbers in ascending order. How fast can you order them all?
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Year 5 Problem Solving with Place Value Virtual Tour Activity
Play this Year 5 Problem Solving with Place Value Virtual Tour Activity and put your problem solving skills to the test! Can you open the chest and leave the cave with the treasure inside? There are five questions for you to answer. If you get them all right, you'll leave the cave with the treasure! If not, you'll leave with nothing.
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Year 5 Determine the Value of Each Digit Maths Challenge 1
Try this Year 5 Determine the Value of Each Digit Maths Challenge 1! Use the clues to help you solve the problem. How long will it take you to complete the challenge?
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Year 5 Count Forwards in Powers of 10 Game
Play this interactive Year 5 Count Forwards in Powers of 10 Game to practise ordering numbers up to 1,000,000. Drag the numbers so that they are in ascending order and press check to see how well you've done! Can you put them in the right order?
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Year 5 Counting Forwards and Backwards in Powers of Ten Maths Challenge 2
Try this Year 5 Counting Forwards and Backwards in Powers of Ten Maths Challenge 2! Put your understanding of counting forwards and backwards in different powers of 10 to the ultimate test! How long will it take you to complete the challenge?
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