Word Searches
LKS2 French Colours Find the Words

This LKS2 French Colours Find the Words contains 13 French words hidden within the grid. How quickly can you find them all?
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French My Home Activity

This French My Home Activity will test your skills at translating French. Read the statements to work out what is being described. How well do you know your armoire from your frigo?
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KS2 French Help Père Noël

Use your knowledge of French to answer the questions and help Santa in this KS2 French Help Père Noël activity. There are three questions to answer which cover vocabulary including colours, numbers and food. Can you answer them all correctly?
French Zoo Animals Flash Card Activity

This French Zoo Animals Flash Card Activity will test your translating skills! There are 14 slides with different animals written in French. Can you translate them correctly into English? Make sure you look out for the little hint icon on certain slides!
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