Reading Comprehensions
Year 3 Reading Comprehension Tennis Time
Will it be game, set and match for you in this Year 3 Reading Comprehension Tennis Time? Read the newspaper article and answer 11 interactive questions all based on the build up to the Wimbledon 2017 tennis championship.
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Year 3 Numbers to 1,000
Play this Year 3 Numbers to 1,000 interactive game to practise your number recognition skills. How does a place value chart help you work out the numbers?
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Year 3 Compare Numbers
Play this Year 3 Compare Numbers interactive game to practise your place value skills. How quickly can you work through the questions?
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Year 3 Reasoning Equivalent Fractions
Play the Year 3 Reasoning Equivalent Fractions interactive game to practise your understanding of fractions which equal the same value. Select your answer and for some questions choose a reason to prove why you are right! You may need a pencil and paper to help you work out some questions.
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Year 3 Reading Comprehension Cooking Stone Age Classics
With Year 3 Reading Comprehension Cooking Stone Age Classics, travel to a time when a day was not a day, and when the idea of cooking was brand new! Follow Chef Ug and his recipes and then answer 10 interactive questions to practice your reading skills.
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Divide by 4 Video Tutorial
Watch Aaron on this Divide by 4 Video Tutorial. What objects will you use to help you divide?
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Year 3 Reading Comprehension Help Wanted Ancient Mayan Citizen
With Year 3 Reading Comprehension Help Wanted Ancient Mayan Citizen, you can delve into ancient times and learn what it took to be a Mayan citizen. Use your new found knowledge to answer 10 interactive questions and see how many you can get right!
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