Video Tutorials
Using Vocabulary to Understand Texts Video Tutorial
Join Katie in this Using Vocabulary to Understand Texts Video Tutorial, where she looks at an advert set in the past. Can you answer the questions correctly?
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Year 2 Vocabulary Meaning Reading Challenge
Try this Year 2 Vocabulary Meaning Reading Challenge to challenge your reading skills. Explain the meaning of vocabulary used in an advert. Use the vocabulary to understand the text. Can you answer all 5 questions correctly?
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Year 2 Fiction Reading Vocabulary Flash Cards Ben and the Flood
Complete this Year 2 Fiction Reading Vocabulary Flash Cards game to practise your knowledge of using vocabulary to understand texts. Read parts of the story Ben and the Flood and find words that have the same meaning. Type the word in the answer box to check if your answer is correct!
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Year 2 Making Inferences Game 2
Test your comprehension skills by playing this Year 2 Making Inferences Game 2. How many questions will you answer correctly?
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Year 2 Make Inferences from Texts Game 2
Practise your understanding of sentences by playing the Year 2 Make Inferences from Texts Game 2. Can you answer all the questions correctly?
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Vocabulary Video Tutorial
Join Katie as she looks at part of a short story and what we can learn from the words that are used in this Vocabulary Video Tutorial.
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Year 2 Fiction Vocabulary Reading Flash Cards The Fishing Trip
Play this Year 2 Fiction Vocabulary Reading Flash Cards game to practise your vocabulary knowledge. Read parts of the story The Fishing Trip and find words or phrases to match the phrases in the question. Type the word or phrase into the answer box to check if you are correct!
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