Reading Comprehensions
Year 2 Laura’s Diary Comprehension

Read Laura's Diary and answer the questions.
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Year 2 Letter to Santa Comprehension

Read the letter to Santa and answer the questions.
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Year 2 Events within a Text Reading Comprehension

Read the story and answer the five questions about the events in this Year 2 Events within a Text Reading Comprehension to practice your reading skills. Can you get all 5 questions correct?
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Year 2 Sequencing Events Video Tutorial

Join Katie in this Year 2 Sequencing Events Video tutorial to read a story and order the events that happen. Can you answer the questions correctly?
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Year 2 Make Predictions Reading Comprehension

Complete this Year 2 Make Predictions Reading Comprehension to test your reading skills. Read sections of a letter from a pirate and make predictions. Use clues in the text and your own knowledge of pirates. Can you get all 5 questions correct?
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Year 2 Predictions Reading Comprehension Pirate Letter

Complete this Year 2 Predictions Reading Comprehension to test your reading skills. Read sections of a letter from a pirate and make predictions. Use clues in the text and your own knowledge of pirates. Can you get all 5 questions correct?
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Year 2 Understand Vocabulary Reading Comprehension What’s on This Mother’s Day?

Complete this Year 2 Understand Vocabulary Reading Comprehension to test your reading skills. Read the advert 'What's on this Mother's Day?' and answer 5 vocabulary questions. Can you get them all correct?
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Year 2 Word Meanings Reading Comprehension What’s on This Mother’s Day?

Complete this Year 2 Word Meanings Reading Comprehension to test your reading skills. Read the advert 'What's on This Mother's Day?' and answer 5 vocabulary questions. Can you get each question correct?
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