Video Tutorials
Read and Write Numbers to 100 Video Tutorial
Katie shows you how to read and write numbers to 100 in this Read and Write Numbers to 100 Video Tutorial. Can you answer all the questions correctly?
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Year 2 Count in 2s, 5s and 10s Maths Challenge
Complete this Year 2 Count in 2s, 5s and 10s Maths Challenge to challenge your understanding of counting in multiples from any number. Count backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s from 85 to find which numbers the children will and will not land on. Can you sort the numbers correctly?
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Year 2 Represent Numbers Matching Game
Have fun playing this Year 2 Represent Numbers Matching Game. Can you match the numbers to the representations? Drag the numbers from the left to the representations on the right.
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Year 2 Number Word Problems Game
Have fun playing this Year 2 Number Word Problems Game. Can you help Captain Black and his crew solve different number problems? There are 5 questions for you to answer.
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Year 2 Money Problems Flash Cards Activity
Have fun playing this Year 2 Money Problems Flash Cards Activity. Type your answer into the box and press check to see how you've done. Can you get them all correct?
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Year 2 Compare Objects Game
Play this Year 2 Compare Objects Game to practise your knowledge of using the symbols >, < and =. There are 5 questions to answer. Use your knowledge of tens and ones to count the groups of objects, so that you can complete the statements. Can you get all the questions correct?
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