Reading Comprehensions
Year 1 Features of Newspapers Reading Comprehension Charity for Children
Complete this Year 1 Features of Newspapers Reading Comprehension to practise your reading skills. Read the newspaper report Charity for Children and answer questions. Can you get all 5 questions correct?
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Year 1 Suffixes Flash Cards Game
Play this Year 1 Suffixes Flash Cards Game to test your knowledge of suffixes. Add the suffixes -ing, -ed, or -er where no change is made to the root word. Select the correct word to complete each sentence. Can you answer each flash card correctly?
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Year 1 Sequencing Events Game
Play this Year 1 Sequencing Events Game to test your knowledge of time. Put events in chronological order using time words, including before, after, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Can you get all 5 questions correct?
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Year 1 Compare and Describe Time Game
Play this Year 1 Compare and Describe Time Game to help your understanding of practical time problems. Using the words: quicker, slower, earlier and later, answer the 5 questions. Can you get them all correct?
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